How to Promote Your Branding
Real Estate Service Providers in Lucknow, India
Company brand identity must be at the very heart of every marketing
campaign company implement. Every hoarding, print and electronic media,
newsletter, email, Facebook post, “tweet,” blog and brochure must support
company branding. Even the way you answer company staff/reception phone should
give customers a sense of what your company is about. Promoting company brand
doesn’t have to be an overwhelming experience. “My promotion does not have to
be wide scale or expensive, it is more about direct marketing, and only hits the
people that I want to inform. I use online and offline methods such as email
newsletters, website and blogging. Offline methods include some, hoarding,
road-shows, other dynamic mode, direct mail pieces [and] promotions specific to
certain buildings in Lucknow, Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad,
etc.,” says ANSARI.